Hello! I'm
Amber Emeny

a.k.a The Ivy Coder

I am always looking to improve.

I'm a developer and website designer in Brisbane, Australia, who aspires to pave the way for the careers of myself and other women in the technology industry.
Currently, I am studying at Coder Academy but I am always wanting to develop new skillsets or expand on existing ones.

a picture of me

My values define me.


communication image

Communication is essential to success and happiness and learning to do so effectively is one of the most important skills we can learn.
I believe that with efficient communication, good listening and compassion, I can create great connections with others, which will lead to my own happiness, learning and success.


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Passion is what drives me the most. Without it, there is little left as motivation. When I'm able to channel my passions, I work effectively, incredibly hard and with focus.
One of my greatest passions is learning; which is why I thrive in an ever-changing industry.


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By nature I am a very optimistic person. I look at the glass half full and the day full of oppertunity. With that outlook itself, comes the chance for development both personally and technically.
A growth mindset is essential to adopt, and will lead to a more fufilling life.


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Effective communication is not truly achievable without honesty. It's one of my four core values that encapuslates the other three.
Being open and compassionate with those around you is the best way to connect; and it's important to have respect for anyone you interact with.